Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Weirdest Phobias

You wouldn't believe how many phobias are out there. We know some of them like acrophobia, claustrophobia, homophobia... But here are some which are on the weirder side. 

Porphyrophobia: fear of the color purple, as well as a fear of purple objects and people.

Optophobia: the fear of opening someone's eyes. Why would you even think about opening someone's eyes?

Phobophobia: a pathological condition whereby the sufferer fears those who fear pathologically. Inception...

Blennophobia: a morbid fear of slime. Maybe some believe in alien invasion, still it's too much.

Anklyophobia: a fear of joint immobility. 

Hoplophobia: irrational, morbid fear of guns. Okay, this one is kind of not crazy, but only when you have a gun pointed at you.

Pedophobia: a pedophobic person has a fear of children. Someone's been watching horrors as a kid?

Ablutophobia: fear of washing or bathing. This one I feel is just an excuse for stinking in public.

Xerophobia: a fear of dryness, or aridity.

Aulophobia: a phobic condition involving flutes. What's a flute gonna do? Attack you? Don't think so...

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